- /ecoworld/Core Documents/

[To Parent Directory]

11/22/2021 565300 0.1.1 NPPF 2021.pdf
11/22/2021 189861 0.1.2 PPG.pdf
11/22/2021 10924756 0.1.3 National_design_guide 2021.pdf
3/11/2014 39485612 1.1.1 Core Strategy.pdf
5/7/2015 9246161 1.1.10 Design SPD.pdf
4/9/2018 417298 1.1.11 Parking SPD 2018.pdf
3/11/2014 9382205 1.1.12 Woking Character Study.pdf
11/22/2021 901485 1.1.13 Surrey Landscape Character Assessment - Woking 2015 - map.pdf
11/22/2021 5286719 1.1.13 Surrey Landscape Character Assessment - Woking 2015.pdf
3/16/2017 6860709 1.1.14 Heritage of Woking.pdf
11/22/2021 298254 1.1.15 Housing Infrastructure Fund - Recovery strategy for Woking Town Centre - Section 106 tariff – Guidance Note.pdf
11/26/2021 2792202 1.1.16 Update to the Thames Heath Basin SPA (2001).pdf
11/26/2021 23393806 1.1.17 Proposal map inserts.pdf
12/2/2021 811068 1.1.18 Woking Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) October 2018.PDF
12/2/2021 2200895 1.1.19 Economic Development Plan for Woking's Recovery.PDF
11/22/2021 49061254 1.1.2 Proposal map.pdf
12/2/2021 2243705 1.1.20 Woking Economic Development Strategy 2017.pdf
10/25/2016 8000361 1.1.3 DM Policcies DPD.pdf
11/22/2021 5021762 1.1.4 South East Plan (2009) (saved policy).pdf
11/22/2021 631283 1.1.5 Surrey Minerals Plan 2011.pdf
11/22/2021 510727 1.1.6 Inspector's Report on SA DPD.pdf
11/22/2021 13756479 1.1.7 SA DPD 2021.pdf
11/22/2021 2922380 1.1.8 Outlook, amenity, privacy and daylight SPD.pdf
11/22/2021 3388034 1.1.9 Draft update outlook, amenity, privacy and daylight SPD.pdf
6/14/2021 510503 10.1.1 Appellant Statement of Case.PDF
11/22/2021 641688 10.1.2 WBC Statement of case.pdf
11/22/2021 2832783 10.1.3 Rule 6 part statement of case Part 1.pdf
11/22/2021 885368 10.1.4 Rule 6 part statement of case Part 2.pdf
11/26/2021 379529 11.1.1 Statement of Common Ground - Redacted.pdf
11/23/2021 385913 11.1.1 Statement of common ground Redacted.pdf
12/2/2021 372720 11.1.2 Statement of Common Ground - Daylight Sunlight 30.11.21 SIGNED with appendix Redacted.pdf
11/3/2021 229668 12.1.1 Planning- Summary.PDF
11/3/2021 1024200 12.1.2 Planning- Proof of Evidence.PDF
11/3/2021 5939348 12.1.3 Architecture-Summary.PDF
11/3/2021 151358586 12.1.4 Architecture- Proof of Evidence.PDF
11/3/2021 96266 12.1.5 Townscape- Proof of Evidence- Summary.PDF
11/3/2021 11765561 12.1.6 Townscape- Proof of Evidence.PDF
11/3/2021 3118062 12.1.7 Daylight Sunlight- Summary.pdf
11/3/2021 14496692 12.1.8 Daylight Sunlight- Appendices part 1.pdf
11/3/2021 14176408 12.1.8 Daylight sunlight- appendices- part 2.pdf
11/3/2021 14678417 12.1.8 Daylight sunlight- appendices- part 3.pdf
11/3/2021 14279791 12.1.8 Daylight sunlight- appendices- part 4.pdf
11/3/2021 13312455 12.1.8 Daylight sunlight- appendices- part 5.pdf
11/3/2021 14877827 12.1.8 Daylight sunlight- proof of evidence- Part1.pdf
11/3/2021 14266755 12.1.8 Daylight Sunlight- Proof of Evidence- Part2.pdf
11/3/2021 6829014 12.1.8 Daylight Sunlight- Proof of Evidence- Part3.pdf
11/22/2021 20402561 12.1.9 Rebuttal of daylight and sunlight.pdf
11/2/2021 2630140 13.1.1 Peter Rainier Proof of Evidence.pdf
11/2/2021 329884 13.1.2 Paul Hearmon Proof of Evidence.pdf
11/2/2021 2714239 14.1.1 Oaks and Vale Farm Road Residents Group PART 1.pdf
11/2/2021 885827 14.1.2 Oaks and Vale Farm Road Residents Group PART 2.pdf
11/25/2021 499419 15.1.1 Appeal decision reference APPJ1915W193234842.PDF
11/25/2021 444416 15.1.2 Rainbird R v The Council of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2018] EWHC 657 (Admin).PDF
7/1/2020 191531 2.1.1 Covering Letter.PDF
7/1/2020 8175086 2.1.10 Arboricultural Impact Assessment.PDF
7/1/2020 766107 2.1.11 BREEAM Pre Assessment.PDF
7/1/2020 5351187 2.1.12 Energy Strategy.PDF
7/1/2020 1117597 2.1.13 External Lighting Report.PDF
7/1/2020 21718045 2.1.14 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.PDF
7/1/2020 2205471 2.1.15 Framework Construction Environmental Management Plan.PDF
7/1/2020 1277241 2.1.16 Framework Travel Plan.PDF
7/1/2020 8256682 2.1.17 Statement of Community Involvement.PDF
7/1/2020 4150825 2.1.18 TV and Radio Baseline Report.PDF
7/1/2020 426741 2.1.19 Ventilation and Extraction.PDF
7/1/2020 3341155 2.1.2 Planning Statement.PDF
7/1/2020 3080179 2.1.20 Waste Management Strategy.PDF
8/6/2020 619943 2.1.3 Planning Statement Addendum.pdf
7/1/2020 9715565 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 1.PDF
7/1/2020 9944238 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 2.PDF
7/1/2020 9367753 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 3.PDF
7/1/2020 9867811 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 4.PDF
7/1/2020 9924820 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 5.PDF
7/1/2020 6981324 2.1.4 Design and Access Statement Part 6.PDF
8/3/2020 468656 2.1.5 Affordable Housing Statement August 2020.pdf
7/1/2020 11923095 2.1.6 Daylight and Sunlight Amenity Within The Site.PDF
7/1/2020 18038269 2.1.7 Transport Assessment.PDF
7/1/2020 4422809 2.1.8 Financial Viability Assessment.PDF
7/1/2020 2196373 2.1.9 Aviation Impact Assessment.PDF
11/12/2020 400483 3.1.1 Covering Letter and Appendix.PDF
11/13/2020 4107168 3.1.2 Design and Access Statement Addendum.PDF
11/13/2020 324688 3.1.3 Financial Viability Addendum.PDF
11/25/2021 348559 3.1.4 Updated Financial Viability Statement- November 2021.PDF
11/13/2020 8726249 3.1.5 Internal Daylight Sunlight and Overshadowing Addendum Report.PDF
11/13/2020 1010425 3.1.6 Addendum to Aviation Impact Assessment.PDF
11/25/2021 2790348 3.1.7 Aviation Safety Assessment.PDF
11/25/2021 2645386 3.1.8 Updated Aviation Safety Assessment.PDF
11/25/2021 2645386 3.1.8- Updated Aviation Safety Assessment.PDF
7/1/2020 57490115 4.1.1 ES Vol1 - Main Text and Figures.PDF
7/1/2020 259403877 4.1.2 ES Vol2 Technical Appendices.PDF
11/26/2021 21432007 4.1.3 ES Vol2 6.2 Daylight and sunlight results.pdf
7/1/2020 19340890 4.1.4 ES Vol3 - Hertiage townscape and Visual Assessment.PDF
11/13/2020 87852241 4.1.5 ES Statement of Conformity - Appendix 1.PDF
7/1/2020 504740 4.1.6 ES Vol4 - Non Technical Summary.PDF
11/13/2020 5266791 4.1.7 ES Statement of Conformity - Main Report.PDF
7/1/2020 232280 5.1.1 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_XP_A_1000 - Location Plan_P1 (1).PDF
11/13/2020 1985109 5.1.10 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1104_Level 03 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1382602 5.1.11 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1105_Level 04 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1359610 5.1.12 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1106_Level 05 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1394370 5.1.13 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1107_Level 06 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1353577 5.1.14 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1108_Level 07 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1350459 5.1.15 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1109_Level 08 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1309422 5.1.16 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1110_Level 09 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1354445 5.1.17 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1111_Level 10 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1338779 5.1.18 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1112_Level 11 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1273436 5.1.19 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1113_Level 12 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 139694 5.1.2 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_XP_A_1001 - Existing Site and Demolition Plan_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 1261101 5.1.20 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1114_Levels 13-15 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1178380 5.1.21 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1115_Level 16 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1159095 5.1.22 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1116_Level 17 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1172038 5.1.23 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1117_Level 18 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1167035 5.1.24 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1118_Level 19 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 939917 5.1.25 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1119_Level 20 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 923356 5.1.26 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1120_Levels 21-24 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 885026 5.1.27 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1121_Level 25 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 886598 5.1.28 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1122_Level 26 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 766359 5.1.29 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1123_Level 27 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 356364 5.1.3 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_XP_A_1002_Proposed Site Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 559036 5.1.30 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1124_Levels 28-34 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 504244 5.1.31 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1125_Level 35 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 361360 5.1.32 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1126_Proposed Roof Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 149263 5.1.33 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1150 - YRP Level 00 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 143039 5.1.34 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1151 - YRP Level 01 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 142891 5.1.35 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1152 - YRP Level 02 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 182932 5.1.36 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1153 - YRP Level 03 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 182451 5.1.37 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1154 - YRP Level 04 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 184798 5.1.38 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1155 - YRP Level 05 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 181041 5.1.39 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1156 - YRP Level 06 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 124762 5.1.4 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PH_A_1700 - Proposed Phasing Plan_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 181413 5.1.40 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1157 - YRP Level 07 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 163435 5.1.41 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1158 - YRP Level 08 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 170952 5.1.42 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1159 - YRP Level 09 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 159879 5.1.43 - 01597_JTP_DR_BB_PP_A_1160 - YRP Level RF Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 76065300 5.1.44 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1200_Proposed Elevation AA_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 103989449 5.1.45 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1201_Proposed Elevation BB_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 164271443 5.1.46 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1202_Proposed Elevation CC_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 84650878 5.1.47 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1203_Proposed Elevation DD_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 6244869 5.1.48 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1204 - Proposed Elevation EE_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 86033944 5.1.49 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1205_Proposed Elevation FF_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 356517 5.1.5 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PH_A_1701 - Proposed Phasing Plan 1-5_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 4958238 5.1.50 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1206 - Proposed Elevation GG_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 38680908 5.1.51 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1207_Proposed Elevation HH_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 3279157 5.1.52 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1208 - Proposed Elevation II and JJ_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 1629481 5.1.53 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1209_YRP Proposed Elevation KK, LL_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1558470 5.1.54 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PE_A_1210_YRP Proposed Elevation MM, NN_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 483133 5.1.55 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1300_Proposed Section AA,BB_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1181200 5.1.56 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1301_Proposed Section CC_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 407626 5.1.57 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1302_Proposed Section DD_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 241723 5.1.58 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1303 - Proposed Section EE_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 1490244 5.1.59 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1310_Proposed Context Section - North & South_P2.PDF
11/26/2020 1274478 5.1.6 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1100_Level 00 Proposed Plan_P3.pdf
11/13/2020 1581080 5.1.60 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PS_A_1311_Proposed Context Section - East & West_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 351724 5.1.61 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1500_Proposed Elevation_Entrance T1_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 452341 5.1.62 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1501_Proposed Elevation_ Entrance T2_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 315399 5.1.63 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1502_Proposed Elevation_Entrance T3_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 330990 5.1.64 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1503_Proposed Elevation_Entrance BA.PDF
7/1/2020 386160 5.1.65 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1504_Proposed Elevation_WRAC.PDF
7/1/2020 313318 5.1.66 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1505_Proposed Elevation_Commercial Entrances_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 371987 5.1.67 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1510_Proposed Facade Details_T1_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 359692 5.1.68 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1511_Proposed Facade Details_T2_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 305138 5.1.69 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1512_Proposed Facade Details_T3_P1.PDF
11/13/2020 938986 5.1.7 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1101_Level MZ Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
7/1/2020 407318 5.1.70 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1513_Proposed Facade Details_BA_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 299537 5.1.71 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1514_Proposed Facade Details_T3_West_P1.PDF
7/1/2020 223990 5.1.72 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_DT_A_1515_Proposed Facade Details_T3 North_P1.PDF
10/15/2020 136576 5.1.73 01597_JTP_SK-MP-0072_Proposed canopy to south-west facade.pdf
11/13/2020 3535234 5.1.74 - P12902-00-001-GIL-100 Illustrative Landscape Masterplan colour all levels 02.PDF
11/13/2020 1185537 5.1.75 - P12902-00-001-GIL-101 Ground Floor General Arrangement Plan.PDF
11/13/2020 1800445 5.1.76 - P12902-00-001-GIL-102 Podium Level General Arrangement Plan.PDF
11/13/2020 1986992 5.1.77 - P12902-00-001-GIL-103 Roof Levels General Arrangement.PDF
11/13/2020 415905 5.1.78 - P12902-00-001-GIL-104 Ground Floor Levels.PDF
11/13/2020 650810 5.1.79 - P12902-00-001-GIL-105 Ground Floor Softworks.PDF
11/13/2020 1465470 5.1.8 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1102_Level 01 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
11/13/2020 1530594 5.1.80 P12902-00-001-GIL-106 Podium Level Softworks Plan.PDF
7/1/2020 1328277 5.1.81 - P12902-00-001-GIL-200 GF- Site Sections- Sheet 1.PDF
7/1/2020 1780599 5.1.82 - P12902-00-001-GIL-201 GF- Site Sections- Sheet 2.PDF
7/1/2020 2474991 5.1.83 - P12902-00-001-GIL-202 GF- Site Sections- Sheet 3.PDF
7/1/2020 1679273 5.1.84 - P12902-00-001-GIL-203 GF- Site Sections- Sheet 4.PDF
7/1/2020 1874975 5.1.85 - P12902-00-001-GIL-204 Podium Floor- Site Sections- Sheet 5.PDF
11/13/2020 727709 5.1.9 - 01597_JTP_DR_MP_PP_A_1103_Level 02 Proposed Plan_P2.PDF
6/28/2021 1236809 6.1.1 Committee report.pdf
6/28/2021 624239 6.1.2 Committee Report - addendum.pdf
6/28/2021 94966 6.1.3 Planning Committee Minutes.pdf
6/28/2021 128481 6.1.4 Decision - Refused.pdf
2/26/2020 273149 7.1.1 DRP 26 Feb 2020.pdf
11/23/2021 168981 7.1.10 O&S 19.10.2020 - Agenda Item 7.pdf
11/23/2021 124883 7.1.10 Overview and scrutiny 19 Oct 2020 item 7.pdf
5/6/2020 264038 7.1.2 DRP 6 May 2020.pdf
6/9/2020 268005 7.1.3 DRP 9 June 2020.pdf
11/26/2021 5156325 7.1.4 Housing Infrastructure Fund Forward Funding supporting document July 2017.PDF
11/26/2021 730560 7.1.5 HIF infrastrucutre funds business case.pdf
11/23/2021 56613578 7.1.6 6 Feb 2020 Executive meeting.pdf
11/23/2021 118083 7.1.7 Printed minutes 06.02.2020 - Executive.pdf
11/23/2021 98125 7.1.8 - Supplementary Report - Housing Infrastructure Fund HIF Island Site - Compulsory Purchase.pdf
11/23/2021 20076252 7.1.8 30 July 2020 Full Council meeting.pdf
11/23/2021 98125 7.1.8 Supplementary Report - Housing Infrastructure Fund HIF Island Site - Compulsory Purchase.pdf
11/23/2021 400345 7.1.9 15 July 2021 Executive.pdf
11/22/2021 939219 8.1.1 Victoria Square commitee report.pdf
11/22/2021 554058 8.1.10 11-13 Victoria Way decision notice.pdf
11/22/2021 389767 8.1.2 Victoria Square decision notice.pdf
11/22/2021 395480 8.1.3 Victoria Square S73 Committee report.pdf
11/22/2021 480593 8.1.4 Victoria Square S73 decision notice.pdf
11/22/2021 839074 8.1.5 20-32 Goldsworth Road committee report.pdf
11/23/2021 191904 8.1.6 20-32 Goldsworth Road committee minutes.pdf
11/22/2021 143147 8.1.7 20-32 Goldsworth Road draft decision notice.pdf
11/22/2021 1946701 8.1.9 11 - 13 Victoria Way committee report.pdf
11/23/2021 72532 9.1.5 Pre inquiry CMC.pdf