- /WokingFootballClub/CORE DOCUMENTS/
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4/14/2021 325120 CD1.1 Appeal Covering Letter.msg
4/14/2021 231236 CD1.10 SWAG Statemnt of Case - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 858129 CD1.11 HVRA Statement of Case - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 492511 CD1.12 Appellant and LPA SOCG - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 431876 CD1.13 Appellant and LPA SOCG - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 325120 CD1.2 Appeal Covering Letter.msg
4/14/2021 78532 CD1.3 Appeal Form - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 72818 CD1.4 Appeal Form - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 141896 CD1.5 Appeal Notice Letters Appeal A and B.pdf
4/14/2021 491977 CD1.6 Appellant Statement of Case - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 524149 CD1.7 Appellant Statement of Case - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 107283 CD1.8 - LPA Statement of Case - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 92998 CD1.9 - LPA Statement of Case - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 102400 CD2.1 Fairoaks Airport Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 83132 CD2.10 - Natural England Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 125712 CD2.11 National Rail Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 32437 CD2.12 Environment Agency Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 342957 CD2.13 Tree Officer Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 682128 CD2.14 Spatial Planning and Minerals Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 80370 CD2.15 Archaeologist Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 975898 CD2.16 Joint Waste Solutions Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 106166 CD2.17 SCC Highways Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 865909 CD2.18 Surrey Wildlife Trust Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 1020790 CD2.19 Drainage and Flood Risk Engineer Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 89112 CD2.2 SCC SUDS Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 352286 CD2.20 Contaminated Land Officer Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 841505 CD2.21 Tree Officer Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 77052 CD2.22 Archaeologist Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 1014256 CD2.23 Drainage and Flood Risk Engineer Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 28983 CD2.24 Environment Agency Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 756117 CD2.25 Thames Water Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 406177 CD2.26 Historic Buildings Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 1199901 CD2.27 Historic England Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 975898 CD2.28 Joint Waste Solutions Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 973320 CD2.29 Natural England Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 593250 CD2.3 Historic England Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 101652 CD2.30 SCC Highways Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 808414 CD2.31 Surrey Wildlife Trust Consultation Response - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 1182882 CD2.4 Surrey Police Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 433078 CD2.5 Thames Water Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 991671 CD2.6 Sport England Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 406177 CD2.7 Historic Buildings Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 322629 CD2.8 Planning Casework Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 597248 CD2.9 Surrey Fire and Rescue Consultation Response - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 3321536 CD3.1 Committee Report - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 376616 CD3.2 Committee Report Update - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 2483829 CD3.3 Committee Report - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 198380 CD3.4 Decision Notice - Appeal A.pdf
4/14/2021 176749 CD3.5 Decision Notice - Appeal B.pdf
4/14/2021 39485592 CD4.1 Woking Core Strategy 2012.pdf
4/14/2021 1945456 CD4.10 Woking Annual Monitoring Report 1920.pdf
4/14/2021 375898 CD4.11 Woking Parking Standards SPD (2018).pdf
4/14/2021 2922380 CD4.12 Outlook Amenity, Prviacy and Daylight SPD (2008).pdf
4/14/2021 9246161 CD4.13 Design SPD (2015).pdf
4/14/2021 16165402 CD4.14 Woking Proposals Map (2016).pdf
4/14/2021 3911903 CD4.15 West Surrey Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2015).pdf
4/14/2021 3339948 CD4.16A Sustainability Appraisal Report (2018).pdf
4/14/2021 7288530 CD4.16B Habitats Regulation Assessment (2018).pdf
4/14/2021 678851 CD4.16C Woking Green Belt Review (2013).pdf
4/14/2021 218479 CD4.17 Design Review Panel Report.pdf
4/14/2021 180624 CD4.18 Inspectors Report into Core Strategy (2012).pdf
4/14/2021 182482 CD4.19 Inspector's Letter Post Woking SADPD Hearings - 14.02.2020.pdf
4/14/2021 8000361 CD4.2 Woking Development Management Plan 2016.pdf
4/14/2021 334959 CD4.20 Parking Strategy Surrey Transport Plan.pdf
4/14/2021 441993 CD4.21 Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance SCC.pdf
4/14/2021 7919996 CD4.22 BRE Daylight and Sunlight Guidance.pdf
4/14/2021 271230 CD4.23 Woking Parking Review (2020).pdf
5/11/2021 7044201 CD4.24 National Model Design Code (MHCLG).pdf
5/11/2021 10924756 CD4.25 National Design Guide (MHCLG).pdf
4/14/2021 2632542 CD4.3 South East Plan Saved Policy NRM6.pdf
4/14/2021 5632312 CD4.4 (Main Modifications) Site Allocations Development Plan Document.pdf
4/14/2021 147232 CD4.5 Savills Representation to Main Mods Consultation SADPD.pdf
4/14/2021 6024441 CD4.6 Savills Representation to Reg 19 Consultation SADPD.pdf
4/14/2021 607543 CD4.7 NPPF (2019).pdf
4/14/2021 158 CD4.8 NPPG (2019).url
4/14/2021 2437176 CD4.9 Woking Annual Monitoring Report 1819.pdf
4/14/2021 222496 CD5.1 R Basildon District Council v First Secretary of State 2004 JPL 942.pdf
4/14/2021 1769969 CD5.10 Land to the West of Burley-in-Wharfdale at Sun Lane and Ilkley Road DL and IR APPW4705V183208020.pdf
4/14/2021 685929 CD5.11 Land at Perrybrook APPG1630V142229497.pdf
4/14/2021 162662 CD5.12 Land at London Road, Benfleet, Castle Point APPM1520W203246788.pdf
4/14/2021 6942164 CD5.13 Land at Edgware Road, Church Street, Paddington Green and Newcastle Place.pdf
4/14/2021 524709 CD5.2 Hunston Properties Limited v (1) Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and (2) St Albans City and District Council [2013] EW.pdf
4/14/2021 296957 CD5.3 R (Smech Properties Ltd) v Runnymede BC (Court of Appeal) [2016] EWCA Civ 42.pdf
4/14/2021 222662 CD5.4 Brentwood BC v Secretary of State for the Environment and Gray [1996] 72 P. & C.R. 61.pdf
4/14/2021 678615 CD5.5 Rainbird, R v The Council of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2018] EWHC 657 (Admin).pdf
4/14/2021 354331 CD5.6 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, R (on the application of) v Britannia Nurseries [2015] EWHC 185 (Admin).pdf
4/14/2021 378504 CD5.7 Wychavon District Council v SOSCLG and others CA [2008] EWHC Civ 692.pdf
4/14/2021 508997 CD5.8 Wildie, R (on the application of) v Wakefield Metropolitan District Council & Anor [2013] EWHC 2769 (Admin).pdf
4/14/2021 428593 CD5.9 R (Luton Borough Council) v Central Bedfordshire Council & Ors [2015] EWCA Civ 537.pdf
5/10/2021 2353805 CD6.1 R v Wrexham ex parte Wall [2000] JPL 32.pdf
5/17/2021 473323 CD6.11 Email Correspondence from David Lloyd – 14.05.2021.pdf
5/17/2021 1575090 CD6.12 Additional LRW Mark-Up of Existing South Stand (1).pdf
5/17/2021 2480438 CD6.13 Additional LRW Mark-Up of Existing South Stand (2).pdf
5/17/2021 3193231 CD6.14 Planning for Sport Guidance.pdf
5/17/2021 1057680 CD6.15 Sport England Fitness and Exercise Spaces.pdf
5/18/2021 29898200 CD6.16 Planning Development Agreement (Redacted).pdf
5/18/2021 205016 CD6.17 Note on Proposed Additional Conditions ISSUE v3 18.05.2021.pdf
5/18/2021 797025 CD6.18 Appeal A Proposed Conditions Schedule - Updated 18.05.2021.pdf
5/18/2021 625976 CD6.19 Appeal B Proposed Conditions Schedule - Updated 18.05.2021.pdf
5/10/2021 65590 CD6.2 Pot Pourri from a Surrey Garden by John Betjeman.pdf
5/19/2021 123370 CD6.20 Woking On-Street Parking Demand Note.pdf
5/19/2021 7933274 CD6.21 Architectural and Landscape Information in response to DSE Comments 2.4 and 2.5 of the Design Review Panel.pdf
5/19/2021 189021 CD6.22 - North Wiltshire DC v Secretary of State for the Environment (1993) 65 P. & C.R. 137.pdf
5/24/2021 8271748 CD6.23 - Appellant correspondence with Woking Football Club.pdf
5/24/2021 36223 CD6.24 - Mr Lewis Transport Response Note.pdf
4/27/2021 924898 CD6.25 - Appeal A CIL Compliance Statement.pdf
4/27/2021 677547 CD6.26 - Appeal B CIL Compliance Statement.pdf
5/21/2021 2157037 CD6.27 - Existing David Lloyd Centre Planning Permission (PLAN-1992-0162).pdf
5/21/2021 347760 CD6.28 - Existing David Lloyd Centre Planning Permission (PLAN-1997-0427).pdf
5/25/2021 130720 CD6.29 - Planning Inspectorate Good Practice Advice Notes.pdf
5/10/2021 62551 CD6.3 Welcome to David Lloyd Woking.pdf
5/12/2021 9875043 CD6.4 Woking Character Study.pdf
5/11/2021 232881 CD6.5 Demographic Profile of Woking Borough based on 2011 Census.pdf
5/12/2021 903080 CD6.6 Woking Football Club Correspondence with Planning Inspectorate.pdf
5/17/2021 646928 CD6.7 Further Statement From Mr Wayne Gold.pdf
5/18/2021 617648 Core Documents Version 11.pdf
5/19/2021 552385 Core Documents Version 13.pdf
5/20/2021 551752 Core Documents Version 14.pdf
4/14/2021 593550 Core Documents Version 5.pdf
5/12/2021 538753 Core Documents Version 7.pdf
5/17/2021 546266 Core Documents Version 9.pdf